Thursday, August 13, 2009

This is us!

Okay. I am finally giving in and doing a blog. People pressured me. As a disclaimer, I really have no idea what I am doing. I figure first, I will pretend that nobody knows us, at least not very well, and do some introductions.

First in our little family is James. James was born in Utah, and his family moved to California when he was 12 (thank goodness, that's where we met!). We met when my family moved into his ward when I was 14. James loved me from the moment he saw me! At least that's how I like to think of it. Anyway, we were married in 2003. James is the best husband and father, and a very hard worker. Basically he never holds still or he'll fall asleep. In fact, he even asked me the other day to just make a list of projects and put it on the fridge, so that he would have something to do if he found free time. What husband actually asks for jobs to do??? :) I will brag for him a little. Here are some examples of things he has done, or made, or whatever:

He (and his friend) hand-made a banister for a staircase, not with parts to put together, but actually cutting all the wood the exact right size.... crazy. They also did everything in this bathroom, putting it all together, and all the tile. You probably can't tell, but it's really intricate tiling in the shower. He's really fantastic at.... well basically everything.

Next would be me, Esche. I lived in California most of my life. I still sometimes like to think of myself as a California girl. James just says I am a fish, because I could stay at a pool or the beach or a lake ALL day and be perfectly happy. I like to draw and paint, but rarely ever do it, partly because I am really busy with 3 crazy kids (ok, 2 crazy kids and a super cute baby), and partly because I have some seriously perfectionist tendencies. If I start a drawing or painting, it's very hard for me to be satisfied with it, or ever think that I am done. Plus, sometimes I am just lazy.

In July 2004, we had Cameron, our first baby. He was named after my little brother who died when he was 5. My Cameron is now 5, and so excited to go to Kindergarten this year. He is what James and I have dubbed a "self-entertainer". :) He is perfectly happy to have just one toy and will lay on the ground playing and talking to himself. It actually makes it hard for timeouts to work because he will sit in the corner playing with his hands like they are toys and it's not a punishment. Also, he is very curious how a doctor actually got his baby brother out of my stomach... :)

January 2006 is when Aurora was born. I was so incredibly happy to have a sweet little girl. I am starting to have second thoughts. Ok, not really, but she is definitely a spunky fiesty little girl. Almost all trouble caused by our kids was started by her. She likes to whisper ideas in Cameron's ear, like, "let's go get candy!" She keeps me very busy. Also, anyone that has been around her for more than 5 minutes has probably noticed how she is physically incapable of holding still for more than half a second. Watching her pray is very funny. She folds her arms and squeezes her eyes shut, says a beautiful thought-provoking prayer, while rolling her body all over the floor.

Then, after a nice gap, on May 7 (my husband's birthday), we had our second boy, Oliver. He gave us a good scare by needing to go back to the hospital a week after he was born. He was so early and little that he couldn't find enough energy to eat enough to have enough energy. It was a vicious cycle that required a blessing from a great neighbor, an IV (in the head!! :( ), tube feedings with a tube down his throat, a bunch of great nurses, and a fat stack of hospital bills. I officially hate insurance companies. Anyway, now he is great and eats probably more than he should. He smiles, and James even got him to laugh once a couple days ago.


Julianna said...

Yay!!! I'm so happy I could cry!
Oh wait, I do that anyway! :)
So yay! Esche is blogging! You'll get the hang of it evenutally!
Your little ones are so adorable! I miss you guys tons!

brianna melise said...

Woohoo! My pressure is awesome!!!!

Cindi said...

So fun to read your blog!

Shilo said...

I am so glad you got roped into this whole thing!
And thanks for the background stories, I for one didn't know any of that!

Rheanna said...

Love your blog! Welcome to the blogging world :o) It's a lot of fun and don't worry, we all just figure it out as we go!

Jarom said...

Yay, you are blogging! Great to see your beautiful family.